General Information

We believe that parents and carers are the first educators of their children and therefore encourage a close partnership between parents and school from the outset.  Before your child starts with us, you will be given written information about the school and will have opportunities to visit with your child.  

Parents and carers receive regular newsletters from the Headteacher, advising them of forthcoming events.  There are also year group newsletters which give more detail about activities for specific year groups.

Parent consultation meetings are held termly to discuss the children’s progress and set targets.  Informal contact between teachers and families is actively encouraged and helps our school respond in a caring and positive way to each child’s needs.

Parents and carers are also encouraged to volunteer to help in class and/or accompany classes on outings.  A Disclosure and Barring Service check is required for all volunteers who help in school.

School Day/Organisation

Manor Longbridge

Arrival time is between 8.45am-8.50am.
Registration 8.50am
School finishes at 3.20pm.

Weekly school hours 32 hours 30 minutes.

Nursery sessions are:

Morning session: 8.55am – 11.25am
Extended sessions from 8.25am

Afternoon session: 12.45pm – 3.15pm
Extended session from 3.15pm until 3.45pm

Manor Infants Sandringham Road

Arrival time is between 8.45am-8.50am.
Registration 8.50am
School finishes at 3.20pm

Weekly school hours 32 hours 30 minutes

Nursery sessions are:

8.55am to 11.25am.
Extended session from 8.25am


12.45pm to 3.15pm.
Extended session 3.15pm to 3.45pm.

Parents Hub

We are now using a school app (ParentHub) to keep in touch with our parents. This replaces most letters. Please click on the link to find out more about this app.

School Rules and Regulations

In the interest of safety, children should:

  • walk when moving from one area to another within school;
  • avoid throwing stones, sticks or other objects;
  • avoid bullying, fighting or becoming involved in unacceptable activities;
  • jewellery may only be worn for religious reasons; this includes earrings;

N.B. For children who have pierced ears

  • studs only may be worn on non P.E. days;
  • on P.E. days parents must cover the studs with Elastoplast. School staff cannot do this and children wearing uncovered jewellery are not allowed to participate in P.E. for health and safety reasons. Children must have earrings covered when using playground apparatus.

Staff cannot be responsible for money or toys, which children bring into school.

Pastoral care

‘In Loco Parentis’

Whilst children are in our care, the school is ‘in loco parentis’.

Great care will be taken by both teaching and non-teaching staff to ensure that the children feel secure and enjoy their school days; education is after all a partnership. Your support, interest and encouragement in all we do will prove invaluable now and throughout your child’s school career.

The classteacher is responsible in the first instance for the general welfare of all the children in his/her group. It is important therefore, that he/she should be kept informed of any medical problem or happening at home, which may affect the behaviour or educational progress of your child.

School Grounds

Dogs may not be brought onto the school grounds, with the exception of guide dogs. At no time should children ride bicycles through the playground, and in the interest of their own safety children should not be allowed to climb on the walls, fences or any other part of the school property.


If your child has a dental or medical appointment during school time, parents are required to inform the school in advance. If your child is ill, please kindly keep him/her away from school for at least one day after the illness has elapsed.

Please inform the school as soon as you receive confirmation from your family doctor of any cases of infectious diseases. Medicine, of any kind, cannot be administered or brought into school, with the exception of epipens and prescribed inhalers for children who suffer from Asthma.

In order to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act, parents should sign a consent form obtainable from the school office, allowing us to administer the inhaler as prescribed; without this signed form we are allowed to keep the inhalers/epipens in school. Please see the attached policy.

Emergency Contact Procedure

It is important that the school has up-to-date information of how parents may be contact during the daytime, in case of accident or sudden illness involving their child. Parents must ensure any amendments/changes are made known immediately by informing the school office so that the registration cards may be altered.

In the event of an accident or illness at school parents are contacted and asked to collect their child. If hospital treatment is required, parents are informed as soon as possible and they are asked to attend the hospital. Please telephone the school on the first day of absence.

Reporting to Parents

Parents will receive an annual report towards the end of the Summer Term. Attendance and punctuality are also recorded. A copy of the Annual Report is also kept with your child’s records in school.

The report will be the main focus of discussion at the Summer Term parent/teacher consultations. During this time targets can be discussed and the partnership between home and school strengthened.